Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 20 - Home At Last

Well, we are home. We left Philly around 10:45 this morning, and got home a little after 1:00 this afternoon. It was an amazing, enjoyable trip. We are all quite tired and glad to be home, but it was all worth it. The kids already are talking about not waiting for Brian's bar mitzvah to do another trip like this one. While there were some moments of frustration, the kids overall were excellent on the trip. They made it through the many hours in the car with few, if any, problems. We had the routine down to a science by the end, including the way the car was packed and unpacked, where everyone sat, and how the Mobile Command Center was set up. It was surprisingly efficient.

Now it is back to reality, and a blog-free lifestyle, at least until the next adventure. Thanks to anyone that read this along the way. It really was just meant to be a way for me to get the events of each day down in writing before they were forgotten and blurred with events from other days. But I enjoyed writing it.

'Til we blog again.

1 comment:

eve said...

i am so glad that you guys are home safe and sound, but i will miss the blogs - they were great - judd i think you missed your calling, you would be a great writer - luv ya - mom fishman